Monday, October 19, 2009

EXTREME CRAFT - a great website, a great man, and a great combination of arts and sciences coming together to make something.... odd

It was so great to see my friend from Alfred, Garth Johnson - creator of the MOST AMAZING SITE EVER ====>    Extreme Craft!

(keep up with their home-antics  - 2 artists renovate a home...  it should be awesome:

Not only because it shows how much this overlooked art form has the range of infinite options of creation and creative ideas that sometimes is too familiar for the general public for the art world to touch - but also, he has found many wonderful gems that cross into the realm of science and art as well!

This one made me laugh so hard, my partner was going to kick me out of bed because I couldn't stop snorting with laughter:  "the Gutsy Sleeping Bag"
I .... here i go again....  snort.... giggle giggle.  I want one!

Now THIS is art and science at it's Best! 

and I'm sure this is re-use at it's best

(this is taken from their site as well)
where to put your gerbil... you know now!

Extreme costumes - well there's more than meets the  eye:

An image from Garth's site as well.

There are so many wonderful gadgets, links, etc.  so check out his site:

Because it's not about WHAT you make it out of - it about HOW BADLY YOU WANT TO MAKE IT!

To art science geeks around the world - we salute you.  Garth - today - you are my captain, my hero, and the best (which I already knew)

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